Potty Training 101

My two-year-old daughter has shown no interest in potty training. In all of the books my wife (Megan) and I have read, all of the "experts" say not to push the issue. So, trying not to be "pushy parents," we have let our daughter, Norah, explore her options. Yesterday, Megan went to go get our daughter after she awoke from her nap. Megan gently brought Norah down from her crib and placed her on the floor. Norah started running to the toilet. Megan was putting away clothes while she heard Norah start singing in the bathroom. A few minutes passed and Megan heard, "Mommy, look!" Megan walked into the bathroom and found Norah with her mouth wide open looking into the toilet at her poop. Without training or guidance, Norah had pooped in the pot. She had stripped herself down to nothing, climbed atop the toilet and dropped the kids off while I was at work and her mom was putting away laundry. How did she learn? Beats the crap out of me.


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Hyperbole [hahy-pur-buh-lee] : noun. 1. an obvious and intentional exaggeration

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